- Workshop - Radio - 4th Dimension

Radio - 4th dimension
Pascale Baïdak
>> 21-22-23/04 all day for 6 participants, 2 or 3 days according to programme to be made.
The Quatrième Dimension (4th Dimension - 4D) is a programme broadcasted on Saturdays (10am RTBF 1 - Belgian radio public service) produced by Stéphane Dupont, since 1994. In 4D, we tell people what we see, us and not them. We “ bring back ” sound images, which are edited, mixed and that we “ knead ” for the listeners to hear what they cannot see. Editing and broadcasting is a meticulous craftsman’s job, with its ways, its small details that are very important. In the same way, mixing music always aims at highlighting the atmosphere, the surroundings, recall a place, to go with an action, words, to clarify the image of a character …
But one should not think that 4D is only studio work, as taking sound comes first. Everything else depends on its quality, its readability, when everything still has to be made

Cet article a été écrit par Pascale Baïdak {} le 05/01/2004