Forum.*Résultats de recherches et/ou de conceptions d’outils-Aino-Maija Hiltunen, Erna Kotkamp, Laurence Claeys-

ATHENA- Aino-Maija Hiltunen, Erna Kotkamp, Laurence Claeys
>> 21/01 – 11h -salle: -
Le réseau Athena, soutenu par l’Union européenne réunit depuis 1996 plus d’une centaine d’instituts de recherche sur le genre et les études féministes en Europe. Entamant un prochain cycle 2003-2006, un groupe TIC traitera en particulier de l’e-learning, la pédagogie et l’enseignement des études féministes. Un des objectifs est aussi de jeter des ponts entre le monde universitaire et les organisations de femmes.
(texte anglais) ATHENA is a thematic network, established in 1996 that brings together more then 100 institutes in Europe in the field of women's studies and gender research. It is funded by the European Commission, which has just approved a new cycle of three years full of activities, meetings, products and events.
This new cycle, which is scheduled to start in October 2003 and end in september 2006, is called ATHENA2. Within Athena2 three streams are established: 1. Working from a core curriculum to a core European degree 2. Strengthening The Link Between Education and Research, Including the Development of Joint European Training at Phd Level 3. Bridging the gap between Women and Gender Studies in the academia and women's organisations, formation and training for women in the field
Within all the streams ICTs play an important role. A special ICT group was established under stream 1 that deals primarily with elearning, feminist pedagogics and women's studies education. Tied in with this group is another project called @gender, that aims to create digitalized learning objects on gender and technology that will be usable on different platforms and different circumstances. Put together these learning objects can become a full MA on gender and technology. This projet is currently under application with the Europian Commission but when approved will start october 2004. WIthin Athena2 a cental ICT coordinator has been appointed who advices and supports all workgroups on their use of ICTs. For more information go to the website:

Cet article a été écrit par nicole {} le 29/12/2003