> (fr )Forums & démos d'outils > Forum .*Autonomie, autogestion : mouvement coopératif et réseaux-Cynthia Cockburn - .:Digitales2004:.
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> (fr )Forums & démos d'outils > Forum .*Autonomie, autogestion : mouvement coopératif et réseaux-Cynthia Cockburn -

.: Forum .*Autonomie, autogestion : mouvement coopératif et réseaux-Cynthia Cockburn - :.

“Hands Across the Divide" with e-mail in Cyprus - Cynthia Cockburn, and 2 women from Cyprus”, the first joint women’s NGO with members from both the Turkish- Cypriot and the Greek- Cypriot communities
>> 21/01- 9 h -Salle: A017 -
Comment utiliser la messagerie électronique comme moyen d'organisation démocratique à distance et se former à ces techniques. L'expérience et les questions qui se posent dans un groupe à Chypre (“Tendre la main au dessus de la division”), où les rencontres physiques sont impossibles en raison de la division du pays.

(en)"My women's group in Cyprus is terribly dependent on e-mail. It is practically an e-organization. This is because it has been impeded from meeting face to face due to Partition of the country. The e-list, over three years now, has been a difficult and sometimes disastrous experience. What are the skills we need to use e-mail for democratic long-distance organizing, and how in hell do we acquire them?"
Cynthia Cockburn is a visiting professor in the Department of Sociology at the City University London and is actively involved in the international feminist antimilitarist network Women in Black against War and known for feminist research and writing at the intersection of gender studies and peace/conflict studies. In a project of participatory action research she has recently been working with Cypriot women engaged in a cross-Line co-operation towards a political solution to the long-running military stand-off in Cyprus.. She is author of The Space Between Us: Negotiating Gender and National Identities in Conflict and co-editor with Dubravka Zarkov of The Post-War Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and International Peacekeeping.
As a pecialist on gender and technology in the 80s and early 90s, she is also author of “ Bringing Technology Home: Gender and Technology in a Changing Europe” (1993) and many articles on this subject before focolising on conflict resolution.

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