> (eng)Forums > There's always more than one route to Rome or there's more than one way to skin a cat..... .:Digitales2002:.
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(fr)Journée Ada-Electronica
(fr)Les jeunes filles et leurs rêves
(fr)Réseau ADA


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(nl)Informatiedag rond ADA en Electronica
(nl)Netwerk ADA:Toepassing van de netwerken vrouwen en technologieën


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For the web site:nicolelenoir: nicolelenoir@interface3.be
& laurence rassel: info@constantvzw.com
and for the inscriptions :sylvia@interface3.be
sylvia bantuelle

Digitales est un projet du réseau belge ADA / De digitale ontmoetingen kaderen in het Belgisch ADA netwerk / The Digitales project is part of the ADA Belgian network


> (eng)Forums > There's always more than one route to Rome or there's more than one way to skin a cat.....

.: There's always more than one route to Rome or there's more than one way to skin a cat..... :.

De Geuzen: a foundation for multi-visual research has three core members, Riek Sijbring, Femke Snelting and Renée Turner who collaborate as an art and design team creating context specific projects and events. Their practice includes curating, participating in exhibitions, and programming educational seminars. Since 1996, they have developed their own strategies of multi-visual research
to explore gender representation, the claiming of space and place, life in the city and the continuous negotiation between the public and private domain. Moving through a variety of projects such as their Temporary Archives, DIY activities, the De Geuzen Uniforms and their most recent project, Unraveling Histories, they will discuss flexible systems of research tailored to different contexts and audiences. Talking about various visual forms of expression from the digital to the tactile, it is their hope to illustrate that there is always more than one way, not only to play, but to get your point across.

De Geuzen, Instructional manuals for popular use and abuse http://www.geuzen.org/current/DIY/index.html

Riek Sijbring, Femke Snelting and Renée Turner(eng)Forums - print

Digitales 3ème édition -Appel à contribution-Racontez les histoires* des femmes et des technologies-

Digitale Ontmoetingen >> Corpus <<

Digitales >> Corpus <<

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Atelier Radio >>> les reportages sont en ligne!

Atelier Video >>> les vidéos sont en ligne!

Etat des inscriptions - inventaris - inventory

Pratiques des réseaux femmes et technologies sur une invitation de la plate-forme associative ADA

Webradio Digitales
