> (eng)Workshops > Filming Digitales .:Digitales2002:.
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• (fr)Journée Ada-Electronica
• (fr)Les jeunes filles et leurs rêves
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• (nl)Gedachtenwisselingen
• (nl)Informatiedag rond ADA en Electronica
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• (nl)Netwerk ADA:Toepassing van de netwerken vrouwen en technologieën
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For the web site:nicolelenoir: nicolelenoir@interface3.be
& laurence rassel: info@constantvzw.com
and for the inscriptions :sylvia@interface3.be
sylvia bantuelle

Digitales est un projet du réseau belge ADA / De digitale ontmoetingen kaderen in het Belgisch ADA netwerk / The Digitales project is part of the ADA Belgian network


> (eng)Workshops > Filming Digitales

.: Filming Digitales :.

4/5/6-12/02 >> 9am - 9pm
"Last year, we tried to record as much as possible of Digitales 2001, with their activities, workshops, and conferences. This year, we are damanding even more involvement from the video workshop's participants, wanting them to consider what to film and choose to concentrate on a question, a "character", a space, or topic.
Obviously the workhop will be where discussions to choose will take place.
In order to register to this workshop, women must be free during a whole day (9am-9pm) and commit themselves to film and edit a mini-film which will be shown on Digitales website.
Marie, Ella and me will be there to help and give technical advice and support, in particular for editing.
But I insist : filming Digitales is also to think about what is happening there, giving a vision of the event, be it a fleeting and partial one." I.R
With film directors Inès Rabadan andMarie Vermeiren , Gaf’elles-Girls in the garden, and Ella Elesse, ex-stagiaire web in Interface3.
Rabadan Inès ines.rabadan@brutele.be
Vermeiren Marie, Gaf’elles-Girls in the garden, marievermeiren@belgacom.net
Ella Elesse ella.elesse@brutele.be

Rabadan Inès, Vermeiren Marie & Ella Elesse(eng)Workshops - print

Digitales 3ème édition -Appel à contribution-Racontez les histoires* des femmes et des technologies-

Digitale Ontmoetingen >> Corpus <<

Digitales >> Corpus <<

++++ 01 -> 08 MAI MEI ++++ D I G I T A L E S - R A D I O ((( W E B S T R E A M I N G )))

Atelier Radio >>> les reportages sont en ligne!

Atelier Video >>> les vidéos sont en ligne!

Etat des inscriptions - inventaris - inventory

Pratiques des réseaux femmes et technologies sur une invitation de la plate-forme associative ADA

Webradio Digitales
