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For the web site:nicolelenoir: nicolelenoir@interface3.be
& laurence rassel: info@constantvzw.com
and for the inscriptions :sylvia@interface3.be
sylvia bantuelle

Digitales est un projet du réseau belge ADA / De digitale ontmoetingen kaderen in het Belgisch ADA netwerk / The Digitales project is part of the ADA Belgian network


> (eng)Forums > Women's strategies - ICTs and communicating as a political project

.: Women's strategies - ICTs and communicating as a political project :.

5.12 >> 14:00 - 1 x 120’ -
Women's strategies - ICTs and communicating as a political project
It is not just access that matters, it is what you do with it !
(what do we want with our presence on the Internet...?)
Women's voices... how can communication and information technologies become a women's mobilisation project, used strategically to strenghten the position of women's views and political projects? Promoting women's use of ICTs is not just a matter of closing the gap between women and men in access to technology and presence on the Internet - it is about space – a space to tell the stories and realities of women, a space for women to share their concerns and desires, and a space to present women's perspectives and interpretation of the world.
Presentation and discussion on feminist ICT strategies to shape political agendas and mobilise for social transformation.
Malin Bjork, Les Pénélopes
Sarah racke, The NextGenderation Network.

Malin Björk, Sarah Bracke(eng)Forums - print

Digitales 3ème édition -Appel à contribution-Racontez les histoires* des femmes et des technologies-

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Pratiques des réseaux femmes et technologies sur une invitation de la plate-forme associative ADA

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